Tuesday, December 14, 2010

So what is Needle Felting?

Needle felting is a quick and easy way to add embellishment to plain felted knitting. What needle felting does is fuse another layer of fiber (be it wool roving, wool yarn, or another piece of felt) onto the base fiber or felted fabric. The same technique can be used to make felted shapes, but for our purposes as knitters working the fiber into a base fabric is the most common use.

To begin needle felting you'll need to gather a few supplies, which are available today on www.StitchSteals.com!

  • a needle felting mat which allows the needles to go through the fiber and beyond without damaging the needles or the surface below
  • a needle felting tool, either a single needle or a tool which has four needles inside a plastic sleeve
  • wool roving in various colors, or wool yarn or cut out pieces of felt
  • a felted swatch to practice on or your piece of felted knitting
(from about.com, by )

Here are some videos from Clover on using today's Needle Felting tools & molds:

Have a fantastic day!